Add years to date

Add years to date

To add years to date in Excel, you can use the XDATE function instead of built-in functions like YEAR, MONTH, and DAY.

Logical test

logical test excel

A logical test in Excel (logical expression) returns only two types of values: TRUE or FALSE, helping to decision-making processes.

Remove text by position


Learn how to remove text from a cell by position in Excel using the REPLACE, SUBSTITUTE, and TEXTRIGHT functions.

Remove text by matching


To remove text from a cell based on matching content in Excel (or replace multiple characters), use the SUBSTITUTE or MSUB functions.

Split Text and Numbers


To split text and numbers, use a formula based on the FIND function, the MIN function, and the LEN function with the LEFT or RIGHT function.



Learn how to create a nested XLOOKUP formula if you need two lookup values to find the matching record in Excel.

Lookup first negative value


Learn how to lookup the first negative value in a range using the XLOOKUP function or INDEX and MATCH functions.