Sum top n values in a range
To sum the largest n values in a range, you can use a formula that combines the SUM, TAKE, and SORT functions.
This comprehensive list of 300 formulas is your go-to resource for mastering Excel Formulas. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, these formulas will help you simplify tasks and analyze data. From basic calculations to advanced string manipulation and logic functions, you’ll find everything you need to take your Excel skills to the next level.
To sum the largest n values in a range, you can use a formula that combines the SUM, TAKE, and SORT functions.
To SUM visible rows in a filtered list in Excel, you can use the built-in SUBTOTAL or AGGREGATE functions or the SUMVISIBLE function.
To sum last n columns in a range or a table, you can use the SUM and TAKES functions in Excel instead of long formulas.
To sum the last N rows in a range, you can use the SUM function with the TAKE function, or apply a workaround using the OFFSET function.
To count cells that do not contain errors, use the SUMPRODUCT or COUNTIFS function, which works with different data types in a given range.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to return the nth value in a row using the CHOOSECOLS function in Excel.
To count rows that contain specific values, apply a formula based on the SUM, MMULT, TRANSPOSE, and COLUMNS functions.
Learn how to sum every nth row (for example, every second, third, or fifth row) in Excel using the SUMN or SUMPRODUCT function.
This quick guide will show you how to get the nth value in a column using the CHOOSEROWS function in Excel.
This tutorial will show you how to split dimensions into two parts and extract the left and right dimensions into separate values.
Learn how to abbreviate names or words using regular Excel functions or the ABBREVIATE user-defined function
Today’s guide will show how to return and display multiple matches using the VLOOKUP function or apply the FILTER function.
To count unique text values in a range using Excel, you can use a formula with the SUM and COUNTIF functions.
Learn how to lookup and return the nth value (or the second, third or nth match) in Excel using the NVLOOKUP function.
To return multiple lookup values in one cell in Excel separated by a comma, use the MLOOKUP or MLOOKUP_NR functions.
Discover how to sum values between two numbers in Excel using formulas and the SUMIF, SUMIFS, or SUMBETWEEN user-defined function.
To sum comma-separated values in Excel that are in a single cell, you can use the SUMCSV or FILTERXML functions.
How to trim text to n words? We will show you various methods (regular functions and VBA) to get the first n words from a text string.
To count cells that contain specific text in Excel, you can use the COUNTTEXT, COUNTIF, or SUMPRODUCT functions.
Excel wildcard is a special character that helps you find text values that are approximately similar but are not exactly the same.
Learn how to count cells that begin with specific text in Excel using a COUNTIF formula with wildcard character matches.
Get the last name from a full name quickly using the RIGHT, FIND, LEN, and SUBSTITUTE functions, or use an advanced Excel formula.
Learn how to get the first name from a name using regular (LEFT, FIND) and user-defined functions, like GETNWORDS.
Learn how to get the middle name from a full name using the MID, LEN, and TRIM functions for splitting the middle name.
Learn how to find and get the last word from a text string using the MID, FIND, CHAR, LEN, and SUBSTITUTE functions.
Learn how to remove characters from the right of the text using Excel functions. Discover how to remove the last n characters from a string.
To extract common values from two lists in Excel, you can use a formula based on the FILTER function and the COUNTIF function.
To count cells between two numbers in Excel, you can use the COUNTIFS function or the COUNTBETWEEN function.