How to Clear Cache in Excel


Learn how to clear cache in Excel regularly and clean up recent file lists to improve the performance of your Microsoft Office.

User-defined functions

User-defined functions

User-defined functions in Excel, also known as UDFs, are powerful custom functions that provide solutions for advanced tasks.

Split text with delimiter


Learn how to split text with a delimiter (comma, space, or special characters) using the TRIM, MID, SUBSTITUTE, and LEN functions.

How to remove duplicates in Excel

how to remove duplicates in Excel Guide

Learn how to remove duplicates in Excel using quick and creative methods. Finding unique values or removing duplicates is helpful when working with large data tables.

Create a Scroll Bar in Excel


The scroll bar in Excel is one of the most useful tools in Form Controls. Using it will save time and give you more space.

Quick Analysis Tool

Quick Analysis Tools Excel example

Excel Quick Analysis Tools are the easiest way to analyze your data instantly using different tools (Formatting, Charts, or Sparklines)

Icon Sets

icon set conditional formatting excel

Icon sets in Excel are effective tools for us to visualize values in a range of cells easily. Each icon represents a range of values.

Data Bars

data bar excel conditional formatting

Data bars in Excel highlight values in a range of cells; longer bars represent higher and shorter bars have lower values.

Color Scales

color scales example excel

Color scales in Excel are similar to Data Bars. Get a quick overview of your data! The shade of the color represents the value in the cell.

Stop If True


The Stop if True function can stop processing the current rule when the condition meets and ignore the other rules. Let us see how it works!

Formula Basics


This guide provides an overview of formula basics. Take a closer look at the anatomy of a formula from the ground up.

Multiple Rules Hierarchy


Using multiple rules in Excel conditional formatting is not rocket science. Learn how the rules hierarchy and overlapping are works.

Key Performance Indicators


In this article, you will learn about key performance indicators. Is it easy to create a KPI? From the technological view, yes.

Color combinations for Dashboards


As developers, it’s a challenge to pick the right color combinations for Dashboards. This guide shows the best color schemes and palettes.

How to show Protected Cells


This tutorial will explain how to show protected cells in Excel using conditional formatting, Microsoft Inquiry, or Search and Replace.

Fill cell with RGB color


This tutorial will show you how to fill a cell or a range using RGB color in Excel to create a gradient scale.

Sort by Cell color


This article explains how to sort by color in Excel using conditional formatting, filter function, or VBA automation.