CHOOSE Function

The Excel CHOOSE function allows you to select a value from a larger set of options by adding an index of the value you want to retrieve.

For example, the =CHOOSE(3,”apple”,”melon”,”banana”) will return “banana”, since banana is the 3rd value listed based on the index number. There are two restrictions: You can use only positive integer values as a first argument. Furthermore, the CHOOSE function supports selecting values (index numbers) between 1 and 254.

How to use the CHOOSE function in Excel


The function uses the following syntax:

=CHOOSE (index_num, value1, [value2], …)


The function uses at least two required and optional arguments:

  • index_num – The selected value, index_num, should be between 1 and 254.
  • value1 – The first variable in the list you can choose.
  • value2 – [optional] The second value to select.


In the example, use the following formulas to return the first, second, and third values from a predefined list:

=CHOOSE(1, “apple”, “melon”, “banana”, “lemon”) //returns “apple”
=CHOOSE(2, “apple”, “melon”, “banana”, “lemon”) //returns “melon”
=CHOOSE(3, “apple”, “melon”, “banana”, “lemon”) //returns “lemon”
CHOOSE function examples

The function cannot manage ranges. If you add a range as a second parameter, Excel will return a #VALUE error.


The formula returns error, because the proper syntax is =CHOOSE(3,B1, B2, B3)

CHOOSE works great if the list is short. However, if you have a large data set, we recommend using the much faster and more versatile XLOOKUP function to get the selected value based on a position.

=XLOOKUP(300,A1:A300,B1:B300) will return the 300. record from column B.

Don’t forget the most important disadvantages of using the CHOOSE function: You have to use hardcoded values, like {“apple”, ”banana”, ”melon”}. You can manually fill the array using text values to shorten the formula.

Workaround CHOOSEROWS Function

The CHOOSEROWS function, available in newer Excel versions, simplifies selecting specific rows from a range. Instead of manually listing items, CHOOSEROWS allows you to reference a range and specify which row(s) you want to extract.

The example =CHOOSEROWS(C3:C5, 3) returns the value “banana” because it selects the 3rd row from the range C3:C5.

Advantages of CHOOSEROWS over CHOOSE:

  1. CHOOSEROWS can operate on ranges, making it easier to adapt to data changes. If the values in C3:C5 change, it automatically reflects those changes, while CHOOSE requires manual adjustments.
  2. With CHOOSEROWS, you can avoid manually entering each item, which is especially useful in larger datasets.
  3. The formula is easier to read since it directly references the range instead of listing individual items.

Formula examples:

=CHOOSE(3, “apple”, “melon”, “banana”) = banana

=CHOOSEROWS(C3:C5, 3) = banana

The result is the same, but the formula is simple.